Atlas ~ 551 ~ HO Scale ~ Code 83 to Code 100 ~ Transition Rail Joiners ~ 12 Pieces


Was: $5.50
Now: $3.80
Track Code:
Code 83/100

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Atlas 551 ~ HO Scale ~ Code 83 to Code 100 Transition Rail Joiners ~ 12 Pieces


Atlas HO Scale Code 83 to Code 100 Transition Joiners (12) Features:
Includes 12 Metal Rail Joiners
Used To Transition Code 83 To Code 100 Rail

What's the difference between Atlas HO Code 100 & HO Code 83 Track? Literally, the code of a piece of track is the height of the rail in thousandths of an inch (meaning Code 100 rail is .100" high; Code 83 rail is .083" high). The significant difference lies in the physical appearance of the two types of track. Atlas Code 83 track has fine, brown ties and is more prototypical, whereas Code 100 has slightly thicker black ties and has been made for decades.

Code 100 track can be easily used with Code 83 track, using these Atlas Transition Track Joiners