Digitrax SE8C * * * Sold Out * * * Replaced By SE74


Was: $132.00
Now: $97.23

Out of stock

Sold Out - See SE74 Here: https://www.ironplanethobbies.com/product/digitrax-se74-loconet-signal-decoder-turnout-control/

SE8C Signal Decoder With Signal Mast and Test Cable

SE8C Plug 'N Play Signal Decoder make it easy to add prototypical signaling to your layout.

The SE8C can drive as many as 32 signal heads with many popular LED signal types.

It can also be used to control up to 8 slow motion turnout machines as either turnout control or control for semaphore type signals.

Easy modular Plug 'N Play and additional accessories make it simple to add signaling to your layout.

SE8C Features:

    • Control signals manually on your layout with a Loconet Throttle and Command Station

    • Control 8 turnouts

    • Automate control with detection and compatible computer software

    • Drives as many as 32 signal heads of any popular LED type

    • Built in current limiting resistors for setting brightness of LEDs

    • Drives up to 8 semaphore signals using slow motion turnout machines

    • Alternately can be used as stationary decoder to control 8 slow motion turnouts

    • Simple modular Plug 'N Play wiring system

    • Each signal driver cable drives 4 heads

    • Includes a sample Signal Driver Cable and Test Signal Mast

    • Provides 8 inputs for 8 control lines for local turnout control

    • Provides 8 inputs occupancy sensor links

    • For use with DC or DCC controlled layouts

    • Transponding is not necessary to implement signaling

    • A computer and third party software are necessary to realize the full feature potential of the SE8C

Digitrax gives a one year "No Worries"Warranty against manufacturing defects and accidental customer damage.

That's it! A simple, straightforward warranty with no tricky language!