Kato N Scale ~ UniTrack CV1 Compact Complete Oval Set ~ 20-890


Was: $42.00
Now: $29.92
Track Code:
Code 80
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This is Kato 20-890 N CV1 COMPACT OVAL SET. This track set is designed for trolleys and locomotives with very short wheel base.
Set includes:
8x R150mm (6) 45 Degree Curved Track Section
3x 124mm (4-7/8) Straight Track Section
3x 62mm (2-7/16) Straight Track Section
1x 62mm (2-7/16) Feeder Track Section
1x Rerailer Tool
1x Uni-joiner Remover Tool

UNITRACK can be used in nearly any layout situation - large or small, permanent or temporary. UNITRACK can be the answer for the beginner looking for a trouble-free introduction into model railroading without the frustration and disappointment of rail and electrical problems. UNITRACK also meets the needs of advanced hobbyists, providing superior quality to an entire layout or the flexible solution to the ever-changing "staging yard."

All of the concrete tie double track pieces are 100% compatible with our regular double and single Unitrack pieces and bridges and can be added into your existing Unitrack layouts.

- Code 80 Nickel Silver Rail
- Unijoiners Lock The Track Sections Together Firmly and Evenly