NixTrainz ~ Original Decoder Buddy NTZ4 V1B For 21 Pin Decoders ~ 1K Resistors ~ 5 Pack


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NixTrainz ~ Original Decoder Buddy NTZ4 V1B For 21 Pin Decoders ~ 1K Resistors ~ 5 Pack

Decoder Buddy Information

The Decoder Buddy was developed for the 8 output decoders.

This mother board does not include the 21-Pin Decoder.

This mother board requires soldering.

This printed circuit board is NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN A DC SYSTEM. However, if the decoder you are using supports DC operation it should work.

The Original Decoder Buddies come with standard 1K resistors onboard. 

The mother board includes::

    • One 21 Pin Decoder receptacle


    • Two pairs of track input pads


    • One pair of motor input pads


    • One set of stay alive pads, U+, GND. (The white wire from a Power Pack can be soldered onto the Original Decoder Buddy fairly easily)


    • Two pairs of speaker pads in parallel by side


    • 8 lighting outputs on a separable “small connector board”

Resistors for use with LED lighting. The “0” ohm resistors accommodate previously installed LEDs with resistors in line and “12-volt LEDs”. It is IMPORTANT to realize that resistors must be used when LEDs are connected to the lighting outputs of the custom “0” Ohm boards!!!