RR-CirKits ~ Tortoise Quik-Link Package ~ With Switch Machine ~ LCC Quick Connection


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Now: $33.72

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RR-CirKits ~ Tortoise Quik-Link Package ~ With Switch Machine ~ LCC Quick Connection

Tortoise™ Quik-Link The Tortoise Quik-Link is a plug on Tortoise driver board. Breakaway connector inserts allow use on older Tortoises with narrow paddle contacts. It connects directly to any LCC output port with a standard 10 pin ribbon cable or via a QL-Breakout using a 3 wire servo style cable. It draws about 10mA of network power per Tortoise. Feedback options include Tortoise position or local Fascia panel button connection. Both control and position indication are available over the same 3 wires by using the Button Quik-Link or a Berrett Hill Touch Trigger. Manual TBA.

Tortoise™ is a trademark of Circuitron.

The Tortoise IS included in this package.

See our listing for the Tortoise Quik-Link that doesn't comes with the Tortoise: Click Here