Tam Valley Depot ~ Mono Frog Juicer MFJ003U v2.0 ~ 2 to 7 Amps

Tam Valley Depot

Was: $16.49
Now: $15.72

Out of stock

Please note - Frog Juicers are DCC (Digital Command Control) devices ONLY. They will not work with DC or 3-rail. They will work with most all DCC systems, Digikeijs, Lenz, Roco, NCE, Digitrax, Zimo, MRC, CVP. If you don't see your DCC system here, don't worry, there are just too many to list them all!

Alas, they will not work with the Bachmann EZ-DCC system or the SPROG II as they do not have enough power to reach the 1.7 Amp switching threshold. However, if you use one or our boosters then you can use frog juicers and other auto-reversers with these systems. You can find our boosters listed under the See other items link at the top right of this page.

Peco Electrofrog Update- All Frog Juicers have both been modified to work with Peco electrofrog turnouts (and other power-routing turnouts) as they come. You still need to insulate the Peco electrofrog turnouts as in the instructions that come with the turnout. Peco Insulfrogsdo not need a frog juicer as the frog is plastic and cannot be powered.